
編號 混合纖維濾膜 | 玻璃纖維濾紙
  • Advantec特別開發適用於空氣粉塵及石棉監測相關應用產品,為您我健康把關!


Product Details

Advantec 混合纖維過濾膜 (MCE)–空氣中石棉監測

Advantec  Opticlear Mixed Cellulose Esters (MCE)是針對監測空氣中石棉的產品,在查看樣品時,Opticlear 系列可提供相較於標準MCE更加卓越的光學清晰度。

透過Acetone/Triacetin Method或是Dimethyl-phthalate/Diethyl-oxalate Method將過濾膜透明化(NIOSH#7400),Opticlear 系列過濾膜提供清澈的過濾背景,位相差顯微鏡 (phase contrast microscope , PCM) 下可清楚觀察收集的顆粒或纖維,減少計數器誤將偽影計為纖維的機會。

除了石棉,其他例如二氧化矽/鉛的採樣、高濃度空氣採樣 (total  suspended particulate matter , TSP) 等等空氣監測,均能應用Advantec  Opticlear  MCE系列來完成。


Grade A080X025A A080X047A A080X025B A080X047B
Item Code 10080062 10080064 10081062 10081064
Material Mixed Cellulose Esters
Pore Size 0.8μm
Diameter 25mm 47mm 25mm 47mm
Color  White
Surface Plain Grid
Packaging 100/pack
Brand Product (n/100 samplings)*
Advantec A080X047A (Whilte/Plain) 0.20
A080X047B (White/Grid) 0.31
Manufacturer-A Product-1 (White/Plain) 0.33
Product-2 (White/Grid) 0.33
Manufacturer-B Product-3 (White/Plain) 2.33
Product-4 (White/Grid) 0.66


  • 特色:
  1. PTFE塗層及玻璃纖維的組合,創造出極低水分吸收能力的疏水介質
  2. 優異的耐熱性,穩定達260 ℃
  3. 高度穩定性,PTFE 粘合劑防止吸收酸性氣體,如 Sox、NOx 等等
  • 主要應用:
  1. 運用高/低量空氣採樣器,測量及分析空氣中懸浮粒子
  2. 空氣粉塵分析
  3. 建築材料中石棉的定量分析(JIS A 1418-3) (PG-45: 25mm dia. 為主)


  1. PG-45/PG-60: For air dust analysis
  2. PG-45: Can be used for asbestos analysis


Specifications PG-45 PG-60
Weight 44 g/m2 60 g/m2
Thickness 0.12mm (4.7mil) 0.15mm (5.9mil)
Pressure Drop (at 5cm/sec) *1 0.15kPa
Retention Efficiency (0.3μmDOP) *2 97.50% 99.95%
Water Break Through *3 ≥2.5kPa
Moisture Content *4 ≤0.17mg 0.11mg
Binder Fluorine Resin
Maximum Operating Temperature *5 260°C

*1 Pressure Drop : Measured at 5cm/s ventilation speed.
*2 Retention Efficiency : Measured using air with 0.3μm of dispersed dioctyl phthalate.
*3 Water Break Through : Required pressure to get water pass through.
*4 Moisture Content : Measured with 47mm dia. filter after 24hrs. Exposure of 90% humidity in accordance with JIS K0901 “Shape and size of filter material for sampling airborne dust and the performance test method”.
*5 Maximum Operating Temperature is an estimated value as it could vary by the conditions such as the pressure or the measured time.>>>PG-45訂購資訊:

Item Code3665101036651020366510253665103536651047366510553665108036651110


Item Code3666102136661024366610253666102636661037366610453666105536661070
Item Code3666109036661110366611253666115036663300